Things You Need To Know:

           As A Guide To Help the Unrepresented, the Poor and the Indigent “Citizen of the United States of America” [in layman’s terms, somebody who has the right to live in the United States of America because he or she was born there or has been legally accepted as a permanent resident), “residing” (in layman’s terms, to have a home in a particular place) in their individual State or Territory of the United States of America, to include, but not limited to, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Wake Island, Midway Islands, Kingman Reef, and Johnston Island],  who come to get “authoritative” [in other words, backed by an established and accepted authority] and “accurate” [in other words, giving a correct or truthful representation of something] INFORMATION on how to CHALLENGE the ATTACKS on “Human Rights” [in other words, the rights that are considered by most societies to belong automatically to everyone, e.g. the rights to freedom, justice, and equality] and “Civil Liberties” [in layman’s terms, the “Natural (God-Given) Right” (in layman's terms, “Rights” (in layman’s terms, the moral or legal entitlements to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way) and “Freedoms” (in layman’s terms, the “power” (in layman’s terms, the ability, strength, and capacity to do something) to act, speak, think, and live, as one wants without “hindrance” (in layman’s terms, somebody or something that prevents or makes it difficult for somebody to do something) or “restraint” (in layman’s terms, an act or the quality of holding back, limiting, or controlling something) that are God-given and can never be taken or even given away. Among these Fundamental Natural Rights, are the Right to: Free from Self-Determination; Liberty; Due Process of Law; Freedom of Movement; Privacy; Freedom of Thought; Freedom of Religion; Freedom of Expression; Peaceful Assembly; Freedom of Association], in need of Public Assistance to know the Programs, their Rights and the Benefits Sponsored By The Public/Private Agencies in United States of America. Leonard B. Harmon, Proprietor/General Manager of I.M.G. (I aM of God) Enterprises is planning to publish the first edition of information that will be a useful guide to Programs & Benefits sponsered by Public and Private Agencies and it will encompass a majority of the Programs & Benefits in both the Public and Private Agencies. each section will inform you on accessing a public or private benefit includes some or all of the following categories as appropriate: who is eligible; benefits amounts & income limitations; how to apply; right to appeal; and resources for more information.  This Section will inform you of the following:

A) Fire, Flood And Other Natural Disasters. 

B) Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema). 

C) Domestic Violence. 

D) Medical Emergencies. 

E) Food Emergencies. 
(For Emergency Shelter, See Listing Under “Shelters”)
(For Free Meal Guide, See “Food” Section)                   
F) Tenants Rights And Responsibilities 

G) Cori Information 

Periodic Problems: 

A) Food:

1. Emergency Food Programs.

(Indept Description Of: Efnep; School Lunch;
Wic; Senior Meals; Ada; Farmers Markets; Share;
United Way; Emergency Food Stamps)

2. Food Stamp Progam. 

3. Women, Infant, And Child. 

4. Free Meals. 

B) Emergency Shelter: 

1. Shelter For Families. 

2. Individual Shelters. 
3. Adolescent Shelters.

C) Permanent Housing:

1. Securing Permanent Housing: 

A) Accessing Subsidized Housing. 

B) Housing Search Agencies. 

C) List Of Local Housing Authorities. 

D) Rental & Relocation Assistance. 

E) Fuel And Utility Assistance. 

2. Housing Programs For Elderly Persons. 

3. Housing Programs For Disabled Populations. 

4. Special Considerations For People Living With
    Hiv Or Aids. 

D) Health/Mental Health:

1. Masshealth:
(Includes Enrollment Centers, Income Guidelines, And

Where To Go For Help): 

A) Masshealth Standards.

B) Masshealth Basic.

C) Masshealth Family Assistance.

D) Masshealth Prenatal.

E) Masshealth Limited.

F) Masshealth Buy-In.

G) Masshealth.

2. Children’s Medical Security Plan. 

3. Free Care (Includes Dental Clinics). 

4. Healthy Start. 

E) Cash Assistance: 

1. Emergency Aid To Elders, Disable And Children (EAEDC). 

2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

3. Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI).

4.Transitional Aid To Families With Dependent Children (TAFDC). 

5. Veterans’ Services. 

(F) Clothing & Furniture Resources:

1. Free & Cheap Clothing. 

2. Free & Cheap Furniture.

(G) Know Your Rights: 

1. Parental Rights. 

2. Intoxication. 

3. Educational Rights Of Children. 

4. Loitering And Street Crimes. 

5. Mental Illness – Protection Against Commitment. 

6. Evictions. 

7. Lead Paint. 

8. Voting Rights. 

9. Welfare Rights. 

10. Two Year TAFDC Time Limit & Housing Rights.

11. Immigration Status And Public Benefits. 

State-Wide Listing Of Organizations, Such As:

                    American Red Cross
                    Catholic Charities
                    Legal Services
                   Travelers Aid Society
                   United Way Chapters

Number: At-A-Glance

This Organization would like to give Special thanks to Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless for the Publishing of Down & Out 2000, to which is where the Foundation of the information compiled in this Website and the Future Publication was obtained.